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Diamona Greece SA
Asklipiou 80,
Athens 11471 Greece

T. (+30) 211 750 5121

Concept, Design & Programming:

Legal information and Safety Instructions
Welcome to the website of Diamona Greece I.K.E. We are pleased that you are visiting us here and will be happy to inform you about individual legal issues:

General Terms of Use
Access to and use of this website is subject to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these, please do not use this website. This website belongs to Diamona Greece I.K.E. It is for information purposes only. The information and views presented here may be changed at any time and without prior notice. We therefore ask you to look through this website again the next time you visit it and take note of any changes/additions.

Our website was created with the necessary care and to the best of our knowledge. It is continuously checked and updated by our employees. However, we cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. We reserve the right to change, supplement or delete our website at any time without prior notice or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

Links to third party websites are offered as a courtesy. We do not express any opinion on the content of third-party websites and disclaim any responsibility for third-party information and its use. Diamona Greece I.K.E. hereby expressly declares that at the time the links were set up, no illegal content was discernible on the linked pages. Diamona Greece I.K.E. has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. Therefore Diamona Greece I.K.E. hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked/connected pages which were changed after the link was set.

Copyright, Copyright Law
The entire content of the website is protected by copyright. The downloading, printing, use or reproduction of individual pages and/or parts of the website is permitted for private purposes, provided that the copyright is not infringed or legally protected designations are removed. The complete or partial reproduction, modification, linking or use of this website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of Diamona Greece I.K.E. Some webpages may also contain images and texts that are subject to the copyright of third parties. This website does not grant a license to use the intellectual property of Diamona Greece I.K.E. or third parties.

Limitation of liability
Diamona Greece I.K.E. excludes any liability for material or immaterial damages, whether direct, indirect or consequential damages, which may result from the use of or access to the Diamona Greece I.K.E.website (www.diamonagreece.gr), the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information, except in cases of intent or gross negligence. Diamona Greece I.K.E. does not assume any liability for direct or indirect links to third party websites which are outside the area of responsibility of Diamona Greece I.K.E. The respective provider or operator of the sites is responsible for the contents of the linked sites. Any liability for manipulation of the EDP system of the Internet user by unauthorized persons is excluded. Diamona Greece I.K.E. expressly points out the danger of viruses and the possibility of targeted hacking attacks. In order to combat viruses, the use of current browser versions and the installation of continuously updated anti-virus software is recommended. Opening e‑mails of unknown origin and unexpected attachments to an e‑mail should be avoided as a matter of principle.

Handling of personal data
Personal data is information with the help of which a person can be determined, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. This includes the name, email address or telephone number. But also data about preferences, hobbies, memberships or which websites were viewed by someone else are considered personal data.

Personal data is only collected, used and passed on by the provider if this is permitted by law or if the users agree to the collection of data.

When contacting the provider (e.g. via contact form or e‑mail), the user’s details are stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in the event that follow-up questions arise.

Comments and contributions
When users leave comments on the blog or other posts, their IP addresses are stored. This is done for the security of the provider in case someone writes illegal content in comments and posts (insults, prohibited political propaganda, etc.). In this case the provider can be prosecuted for the comment or contribution and is therefore interested in the identity of the author.

Asklipiou 80, Athens 11471, Greece

T. (+30) 690 722 88 99

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